
A Scary Hallowe'en Update

Happy Hallowe'en!

I don't know if it's actually spelled with an apostrophe, but I like to spell it that way. Have a listen to my audio update below. Hallowe'en here is a little ... different.

this is an audio post - click to play

And here's a couple of pics Nuala took:



The Ultimate Vegan Pancake Recipe

I guarantee you'll absolutely love these pancakes. And even if you're not a vegan or vegetarian, I challenge you to taste the difference. You'd never know there weren't any eggs in these, and once you've tried them, you won't care!

The Ultimate Vegan Pancakes

Ingredients list:
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 cup soy milk (I used "So Nice" brand)
  • 1 cup vegan pancake mix (no eggs or milk added)
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen berries
  • 3 dashes cinnamon
  • 1-2 dashes all-spice
  • 1 tbsp margarine

  1. Mash the bananas until they are mushy and most of the chunks are gone
  2. Add the soy milk and hand mix with a whisk
  3. Add the pancake mix, cinnamon & all-spice - whisk together until fully blended
  4. Add additional soy milk or pancake mix to get the desired consistency - smooth enough to pour, but not runny
  5. Add the berries and mix well
  6. Pre-heat your oven to 150 degrees F - put an oven safe plate inside
  7. Pre-heat a skillet to medium-hot and oil it with some of the margarine
  8. Pour 4" pancakes or as space allows
  9. Flip when bubbles pop and don't fill in
  10. When both sides are cooked, put them in the oven and repeat until all the batter is gone<
  11. Serve hot out of the oven

Makes about 10 4" pancakes.


What screams may come...

Halloween is fast approaching. I can't say that we (Nuala and I) are planning anything out-of-the-ordinary. You know, a little haunted house action, maybe a few seances in the early morning hours. Some general mischief... you know - everyday stuff.

Do you have a ghost experience you'd like to share? Ever heard a "bump in the night" or felt someone brush past you when you knew you were alone in the house? I'd love to hear your stories!

Have a happy halloween!



Fiction Friday

Visit Fiction Friday and show the world your writing skills.

A new scene every week!



Starting to get a little worried now...

Okay. So I've very publicly committed to writing a novel in 30 days. 30 days! What the [insert-expletive-here] was I thinking? Seriously. 50,000 words in 30 days. Holy shit, Batman!

I have some ideas. Actually, I have a lot of ideas. And I was given some more by family and friends, at my own request, mind. Coming up with ideas is certainly NOT the problem. Sitting down and actually WRITING the damn thing... well, that's another story altogether.

But don't think I'm going to shirk my responsibility here. I made a commitment, and damned if I'm not going to try my best to keep it.

So, within the next few days I am going to get my outline onto the blog I've prepared especially for this little experiment in public humiliation. In case you've already forgotten, it's located right here. Go there now and bookmark it for later reference. I'll wait... I promise.

You're back. Good.

Keep your eyes and ears open for this book. Do you know what the Man Booker Prize is? Or the Giller Prize? With luck (and a whole lotta skilled composition), you'll see my name on one or both of those lists next year. Oh yea, let's not forget the Nobel Prize for Literature. I know, I like to shoot big. The way I see it, if you shoot for the stars, you'll at least hit the moon.

Let's get it on.


Happy Birthday!

October 11th was my Mom's birthday, and October 13th was my Dad's birthday. I did speak with each of them, on the correct day, so please don't think this is my only means of wishing them a happy day.

If you would like to post your own Birthday Wishes to them, feel free to leave a comment below.

Be well.



Happy Pumpkin Pie Day!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I can't say happy gobble-gobble anymore because, well, I can't see how a dead turkey is going to be happy. But enough about the turkey.

Here's wishing you and yours a happy weekend together, celebrating Thanksgiving in October ... when it was MEANT to be celebrated. Haha.

Be well.



Voltaire said it best...

Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.

Be well.
