BC Update - July 3rd 2006
Today I drove up to Pemberton where the Outward Bound Western Canada lodge is located. That was my jumping off point two years ago when I did the 21-day mountain adventure with OB, and where Nuala will be doing a weeklong adventure in August.
I was determined to cross an item off my life "to-do" list by taking an hour-long flight in a glider. WHAT A RIDE!!!
This is a shot of the tow plane as we were being brought up - we released at about 6,200 feet.

Here we are banking in tight circles, catching a thermal eventually to 9,400 feet.

Here's a look at the mountain range from about peak level. What a view!

Finally, here is a clip from near the end of our ride as my pilot Braydon took us through some stall/spins.
If you like to fly, you definitely want to try this!
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