
The campaign trail runs dry so...

Apparently, with the Federal election campaign on hiatus for the holidays, CBC News has had to be creative in their news reporting. Below are three pieces I found today that are so ridiculus, I am debating ever watching or listening to the damn station again. The first two were lead stories on the front page of their website.

To wit...

Winter Storm Hits Newfoundland & Labrador

Goodness me... a terrible storm has hit the east coast. Corner Brook can expect temperatures of... 0 degrees? With accumulated snow in the amount of... 1 cm? In December no less?! My goodness - all this in a city that gets... 400 cm of snow each winter? Go here for the weather report.

Or this one...

Restraining Order on David Letterman Lifted

A restraining order, previously applied on David Letterman has been lifted. The claimant in the case, a woman in New Mexico, had orginally had the order granted because Letterman had subjected her to "mental cruelty" for 11 years and forced her to go bankrupt. In her letter to the courts, the woman in question asked that Letterman e forced to stay at least three metres from her and to not think of me, and release me from his mental harassment and hammering.

Apparently, when Letterman said, "Marry me, Oprah," he was actually speaking to her in code. He also used other code words, gestures and "eye expressions" to harass her and show his love for her through his TV program.

This is news???

It continues...

Hangover Cures Don't Work

A study of conventional and herbal hangover helpers has revealed that they provide no real effect -- although some offer a little promise of relief. Which begs the question... What the hell else is a hangover cure supposed to do?

Terry Allen, a University of Alberta pharmacology professor, isn't surprised by the findings. No shit!?

Allen agreed with the author of the study who goes on to say that the best bet would be to sleep off a hangover and avoid (drinking) too much alcohol. Wow, how insightful.

Edmonton bartender Chris McPhee disagrees, however, adding fuel to the debate. Mix up a nice, spicy caesar. It will level you out for the day. The CBC writer who posted the article notes that A caesar wasn't among the items considered in the study.


If any CBC reporters or staff happen to stumble across this post, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the quality of your news reporting lately. I personally can't believe my eyes. Of course, your anonymity will be fully protected - providing your don't type your name into the browser and press "enter." I feel I need to be fully transparent on this issue, so as to ensure absolute clarity on the matter. Your collective judgement seems to be a little skewed these days.



At 6:21 p.m., Blogger Jon White said...

Well, let's see. I have some news from Collingwood that could go in your "No Shit, Sherlock" bin:

1.) The temperature is 4 degrees above zero, so it's not snowing. It's raining.
2.) If the temperature drops well below zero again, all this water may freeze. It may even snow again at some point.
3.) All the Prime Ministerial candidates are goofs and plastic morons. Just ask them about each other.
4.) It's likely true they won't stick to their promises.
5.) Voting this time will be a lot like picking which pimple to squeeze first.

At 2:13 p.m., Blogger Paul Keetch said...

I suggest we all band together and give the NDP a chance at National power. They may very well mess it up, just like the rest of them, but we'll never know until we try.

And we won't be Americans by the end of their term.


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