Another Photo Update
Another Photo Update!
So Nuala and I have made a nice little habit of going for a walk along the seawalk in the evening, usually after dinner. It's a nice little routine that makes sure we get out for a little bit of exercise each day, and it's a nice way to spend some time. During the week, when we're walking in the evenings and it's dark outside, there is very little to see but the sound of the water lapping against the shore and smell of the sea in the air are more than enough to satisfy our senses.
This past weekend it was beautiful and sunny and the path was very busy. Nuala had her digital camera with her and took quite a number of photos. Here are a few of my favourites.
This shot is looking west along the seawalk, toward Dundarave pier and beach. This is about ... 5 minutes from our apartment.

This shot is taken from the end of the pier at Dundarave, looking east back towards the Lions Gate Bridge, which you can see far in the background.

This is 'the pose' shot, even though I wasn't actually posing. I knew that Nuala was nearby and taking photos, I just didn't realise she was taking photos of me.

And finally a shot of me standing by the waterfront. I often get mesmerized by such large bodies of water and this was one of those times. The sheer volume of it fills me with awe.

I should mention that all of the pics except for the last one were modified by me from the originals taken by Nuala, so if you think the framing sucks, it's my fault not hers. If I had to edit the last one, here's what it would look like.

Wishing all of you a super happy holiday season and a happy and prosperous New Year.
Be well.
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