
What screams may come...

Halloween is fast approaching. I can't say that we (Nuala and I) are planning anything out-of-the-ordinary. You know, a little haunted house action, maybe a few seances in the early morning hours. Some general mischief... you know - everyday stuff.

Do you have a ghost experience you'd like to share? Ever heard a "bump in the night" or felt someone brush past you when you knew you were alone in the house? I'd love to hear your stories!

Have a happy halloween!



At 8:19 p.m., Blogger Ingenium said...

Something very strange happened to me a few years ago when I was staying with my aunt in Ireland. I had just gone to bed. I had left my aunt watching tv in the livingroom.

With the bedroom door closed, I was lying under the thick duvet with my head under the covers (a common way for me to fall asleep when it's chilly). I was just drifting off to sleep when I felt someone tucking me in. I could feel the pressure of their fingers as they tucked the duvet in from my shoulders to my lower back. My body stiffened and I held my breath, listening with my head still under the covers.

At first I had thought it was my aunt, but I hadn't heard the door open. I peaked out from under the covers, the door was still closed and there was no one else in the room.

The next day, my aunt and I were having our morning tea and she told me about how she had been watching tv and had heard a 'tap tap tap' on the window behind her. The first few times she had heard it, she dismissed it as the wind, or a branch hitting the glass... but it was so persistant that she went to the back door, and checked outside. She could find nothing that could've made that sound.
I recounted my strange event of the previous night to her. Just as we had finished saying how strange it was, the lid on one of her little glass jars on her counter popped into the air and landed upside down right beside the jar....
The next morning my aunt and I went to the funeral of my great aunt Bridget....
I think she must have been saying goodbye.
(Ever since then, I haven't been able to sleep in that room when I go visit.. shudder)

At 10:42 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

About this time last year (midterm exam season) I went to the University library at 8am when it opened. I walked past one of the private study rooms and noticed someone inside studying wearing a red shirt through the window. Usually there is no one else on the floor that I study on that early so I took a second look but the person was gone. It wasn't my reflection because I was wearing white that day. I was freaked out.


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