

So, you've had some time to think about whether or not you are WILLING to do what it takes to realise your personal dreams and aspirations. Today, I want to talk about what else you're willing to do.

You see, if you aren't currently living your dream, or actively working towards it, you are WILLING to sacrifice that dream for... what? For someone else's idea of a good time? To please someone else, or meet their expectations? Because your dream is too "out there" and people will laugh at you? Because you think that you can't have your dream and meet your responsibilities at the same time?

If you can't have your cake and eat it too, what's the point in having cake?

You are currently working very hard at your life. Whether or not you are living your dream, or working your way towards inexorably towards it, you are validating your WILLINGNESS to do one or the other. This is an opportunity to shift your focus of WILLINGNESS to something you actually desire, instead of something that is desired by someone else.

And if, by chance, you find that you are not working your way towards your dream - that's YOUR dream, not someone else's dream FOR you - now is your chance to ask yourself some questions, to figure out WHY you might be willing to make sacrifices, in fact to sacrifice YOURSELF, to get what someone else wants, but are somehow unwilling to do the same for yourself.

  1. Who is it that you are willing to make sacrifices for, other than yourself?
  2. Is this person asking you to make these sacrifices, or you just assuming that they are?
  3. If they are asking you directly, and assuming you don't want to say yes, why are you doing so?
  4. What personal need are you serving by avoiding your dreams?

There are many more questions you can ask yourself. The answer to one question will conjur many more questions for you to answer. Follow them until you run out of questions to ask yourself. It is here that you will finally find your answer.

Remember that everything you do is your choice. If you are unhappy it is because you are choosing to see yourself as unhappy. If you are stressed out it is because you are choosing to see yourself as stressed out. If you think the world is a mean and dangerous place it is because that is how you choose to see the world. And the universe will supply you with EXACTLY what you believe in. That one is worth repeating:

The universe will supply you with EXACTLY what you believe in.

There's no getting around it. Choose to be willing to go off in search of your dreams. Choose to make the sacrifices you need to make in order to imbue your life with some element of your dream. Life has no meaning, except that meaning which you bring to it. It is not simply your right, it is your obligation to become the best person you can be. And when are you at your best? When you are doing whatever it takes to live your dream.

Dream big and be well.



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