
The life I live.

I've had an interesting week. Lots of busyness going on, both at work and otherwise. I'm trying to teach Nuala how to drive a stick-shift, and in doing so I'm learning a lot about how to drive a stick-shift. I'm also learning ways of teaching that I didn't fully understand before. Nuala tells me I'm a good teacher, but I'm not sure if she's just humouring me. Nuala is a good student, however, and that's no joke.

In a recent post (and subsequent email) I asked for some coaching and guidance about how to handle a personal situation, and I'd like to say "Thank You" to everyone who offered their advice. My goal in doing this, was to get a wide variety of response, so that I could better see the various sides to this picture, along with the various responses that are available to me. All in a new light. In this, at least, I have been successful, thanks to you.

I am as yet unsure how far I will pursue this, or if I will pursue it at all, but I have registered a complaint with the Better Business Bureau in Cambridge, ON. I did this, in part at least, to leave a signpost for those who might follow me down this moving path, that they might not make the same mistake I did. That, however, depends entirely on other people actually looking for, and reading, the signs along the way. I myself didn't. There are several "unresolved" issues with the BBB regarding Good Ol' Boys Moving, and an inordinate number of complaints in the last two years. Had I thought to check this out first, I could have saved myself some hassle. Or, I could have directed myself into even more hassle. Who knows?

At any rate, I felt it to be a useful thing to do. Letting it go without a response is not honouring myself. Not posting a sign marking possible danger is not only uncaring but rather selfish. Others should know about, and have the opportunity to learn from, my mistakes.

Several people commented on the rather public nature of my request for advice. This is not a new thing for me, but I suppose it is for some of you. Part of moving out here, part of starting a new life, was to re-create myself in a way that is more in keeping with who I believe myself to be; who I proclaim to want to be; who other people tell me they see in me.

I am trying to create an element of transparency in my life. I am no longer afraid of looking silly or "uncool." I want people to be able to learn from the mistakes I make, if they can. I want to learn from them myself. It is through mistakes that we will find our greatest growth.

A person with nothing to hide, hides nothing.

This is the life I am in the process of creating. I owe many thanks and much gratitude to everyone in my life, for your support, your questions, your friendship, your love. And I look forward to seeing you all soon, in my dreams, in yours, where our spirits soar together, always.

Be well.



At 12:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done Paul. I hope that from my post you didn't get a message saying you should do nothing. I simply think that energy spent punishing them, teaching them a lesson or, however one might phrase it, is a waste of energy that can be as harmful to yourself as to them. Leaving a "signpost" along the way for others to see is certainly a good idea.

The intersting thing about a public forum like this it makes us think a bit more about what we say and how it may be percieved. The fear I have is that without tonal and facial expression, mis-perception can occur all too easily.

At 2:15 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done - from both of us on the same page - that's novel these days, I know.

I suspect, with your decision to be transparent, you invite the transparency of others through their responses. A good way for you to learn about them.

Your insights and reflections are heart-warming and educational, as they have always been.

Thank you again!


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