
Starting to get a little worried now...

Okay. So I've very publicly committed to writing a novel in 30 days. 30 days! What the [insert-expletive-here] was I thinking? Seriously. 50,000 words in 30 days. Holy shit, Batman!

I have some ideas. Actually, I have a lot of ideas. And I was given some more by family and friends, at my own request, mind. Coming up with ideas is certainly NOT the problem. Sitting down and actually WRITING the damn thing... well, that's another story altogether.

But don't think I'm going to shirk my responsibility here. I made a commitment, and damned if I'm not going to try my best to keep it.

So, within the next few days I am going to get my outline onto the blog I've prepared especially for this little experiment in public humiliation. In case you've already forgotten, it's located right here. Go there now and bookmark it for later reference. I'll wait... I promise.

You're back. Good.

Keep your eyes and ears open for this book. Do you know what the Man Booker Prize is? Or the Giller Prize? With luck (and a whole lotta skilled composition), you'll see my name on one or both of those lists next year. Oh yea, let's not forget the Nobel Prize for Literature. I know, I like to shoot big. The way I see it, if you shoot for the stars, you'll at least hit the moon.

Let's get it on.



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