
The eagle has landed.

Whew! It's been quite a week.

First, Nuala and I partied with all our friends on the 20th of August, getting a chance to see everyone in one place. Including some people we may not have otherwise had a chance to visit with, but who made the event that much more enjoyable.

Then we spent Sunday trying to recover from Saturday. I say "we" but in fact it was really only "I" that needed the recovery. Nuala is much more controlled than I, at least in this respect.

The week progressed nicely, trying to fit work in where I could, but mostly spending my time working on packing up the last of my belongings while Nuala finished up her final week at work. We also were able to get together with family and again with some friends.

There were a few hiccups along the way - okay, some could be classified a little more severely than 'hiccups' - but in the end we got everything accomplished and were able to make our flight (by mere minutes, mind you) and have safely arrived here in North Vancouver. I will soon dedicate a full post to these various and sundry 'hiccups' but for now, the above is enough to keep us going.

Last, but certainly not least, I received a message on Saturday evening. It seems the world has been blessed with another Bomers. Elijah Alexander was born shortly after 4pm on Saturday, August 27th. He weighed in at 6lbs 14ounces (if memory serves).

Thanks to everyone for their continued support and encouragement. We hope to see you out here on the west coast soon.



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