
a city too loud

21 days with only the sounds of the rain, wind and the footfalls on the rock and snow, and now this - toronto. i shouldn't bash toronto too much, vancouver was just as loud. it's very disconcerting.

everything here makes a sound. cars driving on nearby roads, planes flying overhead, the neighbour's kids or dog are outside having fun (making noise). christ, this goddamn computer i'm working on is humming so loud i can barely think. not to mention the fan above me, the neighbour's music downstairs, and there's some damn noise i can't identify, but it's driving me crazy.

it's no wonder people in the city go numb in the mind. there's so much to take in that eventually a part of you has to shut down to avoid going insane. that part woke up again in the mountains, and now it's taking a beating.

i wish i may, i wish i might...



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